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Tips on How to Improve Cardiovascular Health

Tips on How to Improve Cardiovascular Health

February is American Heart Month and it’s an important time to take extra care of your heart. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, so it’s wise to be aware of the signs and symptoms that could indicate a potential problem.

As a construction worker, ironworker or other blue-collar worker, you may find yourself under immense physical strain during your job, and this can take its toll on your health if you don’t pay attention to your body. Let’s explore how you can protect your heart health while at work.


The Basics

Firstly, it’s important to understand the basics of cardiovascular health. Regular exercise and healthy eating will go a long way in helping to keep your heart healthy. This means that even when you are busy with work, making time for cardio activities such as running or swimming will help build up endurance over time and reduce stress levels. If you aren’t used to exercising frequently, start slow by taking short walks during lunch breaks or after work and add more challenging exercises into your routine as you progress. Eating nutritious meals that are low in saturated fats, sodium, cholesterol, and sugar will also help keep cholesterol levels low and provide essential vitamins and minerals for general wellbeing.


Get Regular Check-Ups

It’s also important to get regular check-ups with your doctor or cardiologist—even if you feel perfectly fine! Blood pressure checks should become part of your regular routine during American Heart Month so that any underlying problems can be identified early on before they become more serious. Additionally, make sure that any current medical conditions are managed properly—including controlling high blood pressure with medication if needed—so that further complications can be avoided down the line.


Know the Signs

It is also useful to know the warning signs associated with cardiovascular issues such as chest pain or tightness; excessive sweating; fatigue; shortness of breath; dizziness; numbness in one arm or leg; irregular heartbeat; nausea; vomiting; fainting; vision changes; and confusion (Mayo Clinic). If any of these symptoms occur while at work then contact emergency services immediately as these could indicate a serious problem such as a heart attack or stroke.

Even after American Heart Month is over, it is still essential that construction workers and other blue-collar workers pay attention to their heart health due to the physical strain they put themselves through daily while working outdoors in all types of weather conditions.

Make sure to continue to educate yourself about cardiovascular health and take care of your body and you're health! Stay safe!



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